Commodity Murabaha (Tawarruq)
Tawarruq is the process of purchasing a commodity for a deferred price and selling it to a third party for a spot price to obtain cash. This is typically done in a matter of minutes through an existing Shariah-Compliant commodity market. It is designed to cater for the needs of getting cash in meeting various commitments; it can be done between the Banks as liquidity management too and with customers who need cash. Repayment can be up to 6 years as well. KCB carries out this arrangement with both local and foreign markets such as Bursa Suq Al-Sila (BSAS) depending on need and type of transactions to be performed.



Facilitate transactions between banks.


Restructure of existing Financing Contracts.


Takeover of facilities from other banks either conventional/Islamic financing.


Customers in need of cash who cannot be assisted using other non-cash Islamic Financing Contracts.

How it works*

  • KCB purchases from supplier A based on amount needed by customer and pays sale price on spot (1st Sale).
  • After owning the commodities, KCB will sell them to the customer based on Murabaha (cost + margin) to be paid back on deferred basis (2nd Sale).
  • After owning the commodities, Customer (or through their agent which can be KCB) sells them to Supplier B and will be paid the same price immediately to obtain cash (3rd Sale).

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